It’s autumn now. Shibata Yuna (11 September 2022)


It’s Shibata Yuna!

It seems summer is over now.

I don’t normally get bitten by mosquitoes often.

I was bitten 4 times this year.

Because I don’t get bitten very often
when I do get bitten, it goes all red and takes a long time to heal.

So the redness stays with me for a while.

Why did I suddenly start talking about mosquitoes?
Because yesterday, I was bitten in 3 different places!

Mosquitoes don’t normally like me, but they got me in 3 places.

What’s more is that it was at my parents’ place!
It’s like they invited themselves into the house.

I was napping when this happened…

Look out for the mosquito bites during Laugh & Music today 👀

Today’s blog will be about the tour.

While I was writing this part of the blog,
the last day of Jingu had finished, and I was on my way home!

When I think back on it now, I had such a great time that just thinking about it makes me want to cry~🥲

It had been 3 years since the last time we stood on the stage at Jingu.
The tears welled up in me so many times as I thought about how I was once a Nogizaka46 fan at the same venue, but now being able to stand on the same stage alongside the seniors who I have admired and loved so much.

I kept thinking if it was okay for me to be this happy.

At the same time, I want to work harder and harder.
I want to work hard to become as admirable as my seniors.

I don’t feel like I’m the type who works hard at things a lot, but I hope you’ll be able to notice it the next time I stand on the same stage.

My goals for this year’s tour was
to put on a good performance for you!

And a personal goal that I had which wasn’t written down anywhere was
“To stand on the stage with confidence”.

I don’t have confidence in my singing, dancing or my visuals
so I didn’t want anyone else to notice that.

I’ve heard a lot of people say
“You start off by pretending you have confidence. Then after that, the confidence will become a reality.”

This is what I did.

How did it look to you…?

Finishing up on the tour
I now realise that
being on stage again
brought me so much fun and joy.

I feel that there’s a responsibility for us to uphold what our seniors have built up for Nogizaka46 up until this moment.

I’m not sure if I have the right to say this

but I want to continue to put in the work and effort so that I will be able to say it with pride. ( ¨̮ )

I love Nogizaka46
All the staff around us, everyone supporting me, all the seniors, my fellow genmates as well as the 5th gen members.

I love you all.

For the national tour,
I want to thank you all so much. ☺️

It’s been a while since I wrote the above, but as I read the words again like a letter, tears came to me.

Thank you. 😊

Have a look, it’s Asuka-san

When I asked her if we could take a photo together, she replied that “it’s okay if it’s only half a photo” 😚

So happy, so cute.

I’ve been thinking about going back through my photos of my summer memories and organising them, but when does everyone think that summer started?

When I look back at my photos from June, it still didn’t feel like summer to me.

I’m going to assume that it started when I went to watch the Interleague Play, since I took about 3,500 photos at the time 😵‍💫

I probably made too many memories!

Thanks for reading! See you again next time.

(September 11th Shibata Yuna)


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