#乃木坂4期生3周年 Love. Shibata Yuna (3 December 2021)

Shibata Yuna here!

Today is our 3rd anniversary
of joining Nogizaka46.

Ever since the date ticked over today,
I’ve been looking through my old phone’s folders.
It’s gotten me so excited… lol

I wish I had taken a lot more photos.

Photos that had to be taken in the spur of the moment at the time.

That’s what I’ve thought. (..)

I think I’ve experienced a lot of things.

It’s thanks to everyone that I’ve been able to have such a wholesome 3 years.

Thank you so much!

3 years…

It has gone by fast.

Doesn’t time just go by so quickly?

There are some things that will never return.

This is the only time we have,
so we must cherish every moment of it~

Heading into my 4th year…

It’s amazing, isn’t it?

I love everyone.

Let’s all do our best heading into our 4th year. ( ¨̮ )

All 16 of us will continue to do our best and continue to grow!

Thanks for reading! See you again next time.

(December 3rd Shibata Yuna)

Original: https://blog.nogizaka46.com/yuna.shibata/2021/12/064316.php

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