I’m Nakanishi Aruno. (8 May 2022)

I’m Nakanishi Aruno.

I’d like to thank you for opening up my blog.

It’s nice to meet you.
I would like to apologise to all the fans
for causing you to feel uncomfortable and uneasy about me.

I want to express my deepest apologies.

And also
I’d also like to apologise for causing trouble
and being an inconvenience to everyone involved.

Going forward, I am truly grateful
that I am able to resume my activities as a member of Nogizaka46.

To my fellow 5th gen members who supported me

To the senior members who encouraged me

To the staff who provided guidance with love

Above all, to the fans who worried about me, encouraged me, and supported me, despite being in this situation.

You have all helped me through this.

I’d like to thank you from the bottom of my heart.

From now on, I’m completely focused on doing my best to return the favour to everyone.

Nakanishi Aruno
From Chiba prefecture. 19 years old.

On 27th April, I was able to stand on that wonderful stage with the aid of so many people.

It warms my heart thinking back on it.

I want to say a big “Thank you” to everyone. ☺︎

Ever since the 2nd Omitatekai, we’ve all been practicing hard on the jump rope.

Thank you for tuning in to yesterday’s Nogizaka4.6 Hour TV.

For the live talk segments… I was sooooo nervous…

When I watched back the archive VOD, I was so surprised at how good the senior members were as MCs and of their commentary skills.

When I was at home, I reflected on it on my own and thought, “What on earth am I doing?”

I’ll be using this self-reflection for next time…

On the calendar, May is already listed as summer.

Lately, I can smell the scent of summer at night, which makes me a little sad.

Be that as it may, it’s a calm and pleasant month. ☺︎

I’ll share with you this “magic hour” that I saw during May~

And though it’s the season for light summer breezes and new green foliage, it’s also a time of seasonal change.
So please make sure to look after your health.

Tomorrow, we are back to Mao!

Mao! Here you go! The baton!

And so, I’ll see you next time. ☺︎

Original: https://www.nogizaka46.com/s/n46/diary/detail/100249

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